Thursday, 10 January 2013

We instinctually shun the technologies of our ancestry

The previous technology is referenced. The ad-hoc nature of the printed label (self adhesive if memory serves) suggests that the lack of use may be temporary however this is certainly not the case. if there was any doubt, observe the caps. For the moment, the new technology nestles with the old.

Out of the city, the format changes. The font and caps remain. However, the old technology is no longer referenced and the label is adhered through wide-format sticky tape even though the label is itself adhesive.

Just in case you missed it: redundancy begets redundancy. The shamelessness of the brown packing tape reinforcing this point.

The display reads 'Closed'. Though in its very nature absence suggests a presence, in this case the technology lacks the format for suggesting it's finality. There will be no 'Open'. The display used to show the time and ticket-related data.

Paper is highly susceptible to relic-dom and pre-ephemera.

As previously discussed, here is the current state of the Tower of Metcards, finalised. It stands at approximately 23 centimetres.

Vale, Metcard.