Monday, 28 April 2008

Flightless future bird - Cryptozoology

Here's some photographs I took of a figure I bought while in Japan.

The premise of this particular item is that they are animals from the future, a future where natural selection has perhaps taken a detour, and a little inter-species shenanigans has taken place. Or something. The figure I ended up with (from a blind-box) was an odd-looking bird with single-clawed armlets. Probably flightless.

Viva evolution!

Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Look Ma, I used a semi-colon!

Here are some sketches; profound in their nature, yet simple and crude in their execution. Enjoy, and sorry for the lull in regularity of late.

Thursday, 10 April 2008

Dolphin uprising

From the original found here (another image link only). I could find no context or information about this image, but it's so damn good I couldn't not share it.

I want this book, whatever it is!

Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Misce stultitiam consiliis brevem:

Dulce est desipere in loco.

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Music, Medium

So I made myself a Muxtape. Have a listen and persevere past the abstract nature of the first track. Muxtape is a new service where a user can upload .mp3s and share them in a 12-song mix. I'm confounded if I understand the legality of this, but I'm always open to new democratic radios and another outlet to hear new things. If any readers make one, link 'em in the comments. If not, THEN GOOD DAY!

And in sad news, Klaus Dinger of Neu! and ex-drummer of Kraftwerk, died recently. To commemorate Klaus, one of my favourite Neu! tracks, from their 1972 self-titled album (buy).

Hallogallo - Neu! [11.5MB mp3 file]

Saturday, 5 April 2008

My friend in rehab...

Comic artists rehab, that is! Vanessa Hutchinson (blog) is doing the four panel cartoon every four days for four weeks experience. Here is her intro to the site and here are entries tagged as her work - stay tuned for more!

Vanessa and I met studying sculpture together back in the heady days of the mid-nineties. Now she, like me, is earning a crust through commercial graphics work and doing personal stuff in the gaps between.

The above is a wax effigy Vanessa made in her image, and below is a panel from her rehab. Good luck with the rehab Vanessa, I hope it cures what ails ya!

Friday, 4 April 2008


, originally uploaded by fliegender.

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

733t, 1-UP, applebomb, Lür™®

Some sketched ideas for t-shirt graphics that I may never follow up on. Found in a feint-lined notebook in the recent past.

"733t" is 733t. Or it was, about 3 years ago! Maybe it still is, but I'm not 733t enough to tell.

A hand-drawn response to the glut of video game t-shirts and Mario-related merchandise. He's tired and surly:

Marrying two pieces of Apple-related iconography together:

It's good to respond to ideas even though they make little or no sense, as in this logo:

My wife saw the 'Lür™®' design and said: "People would pay good money for a t-shirt with 'Lür™®' written on it!" As far as I know, Lür with umlauts has no meaning. However, there are Lurs in real life but this was not what I was referencing. It's also unrelated to Lrrr.