Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Recent mix: 8 types of Drugs

One of my favourite Talking Heads songs is 'Drugs' – also known as 'Electricity', 'Drugs (Electricity)' or 'Electricity (Drugs)'. I know a few versions of it and thought I would put some together into a 33-minute mix of variations of the song. The mix is not chronological and I tried to make it follow an arc of the song's character as well as attempting to consider the mix for listenability, so similar versions of the song do not appear subsequently.

Some trivia: The birds recorded for the album version (occurring around 11:40 on this mix) were recorded at the Lone Pine Koala sanctuary in Brisbane, Australia. The sanctuary is still open and is a 24 minute drive from my fathers house.

Download [76.4MB 320kbps .mp3 file via Mediafire]

1. Drugs (Live bootleg) - Recorded at Boarding House, San Francisco, 1978
2. Electricity (Instrumental) - Bonus Rarities & Outtakes [Buy .mp3 download*]
3. Drugs (Electricity) - The Name Of This Band Is Talking Heads. Recorded at Emerald City, Cherry Hill, 1980 [Buy]
4. Drugs - Fear of Music, 1979 [Buy]
5. Drugs (Live bootleg) - Recorded at Palalido, Milan, 1980 [Watch]
6. Electricity (Drugs) - The Name Of This Band Is Talking Heads. Recorded at The Agora, Cleveland, 1978 [Buy]
7. Drugs (Alternate Take)- Bonus Rarities & Outtakes [Buy .mp3 download*]
8. Drugs  (Live bootleg) Recorded at Sun Palace, Tokyo 1981

*An American credit card is (still) required to purchase this album, much to my chagrin.