Monday 22 September 2008
1 year later...
Whoo! This blog has been going for a year! To new visitors, thanks. To returning visitors, thanks and ... thanks!
Here's some stats:
This is the most popular page on the blog.
Most of my visitors come from America, followed by Australia.
May this year was the most lacklustre posting month for me with a measly 5 posts
I've made a total of 148 posts, which averages to a post roughly every 2.4 days
The top keywords bringing people to the site are "that gum you like is coming back in style" and these are responsible for 1.87% of visitors
Most visitors find the site via Google Images
Only 27% of visitors come directly to the site
69.40% of visitors are using Firefox. Nice!
The most prevalent editorial error is the possessive apostrophe (eg: it's vs its)
So thanks for bearing with me over the last year and I hope to continue supplying content in a semi-regular fashion.
Your host.