Thursday, 31 January 2008

European comic craziness

Here are some scans from a comic I picked up at the awe-inspiring La comète de Carthage (link to their blog, in French) while I was last in Paris. It's an incredible piece of work, as I can find nothing about it on the internets. The title is 'Picto Drame' and the work is screen printed on cream-coloured stock and put together in a partially glued concertina fashion. It's a four-colour screen print (yellow, red, quasi-metallic grey and black) and the colourways are put together in a masterful fashion with overprinting used to excellent effect. The only reference to the artist is the name 'Rocco'.

From what I can tell, the story is about a guy who dies and the shenanigans that his relatives get up to in his absence.

Please enjoy and - as always - click for larger.

[UPDATE] Here's the ebay France website for La comète de Carthage.