Monday 22 October 2007

You're so cute when you underestimate my superior intellect

Yep, I'm one of those people who keeps a notebook on their person at all times. You never know when you'll get one of those ideas that will stick (the trade-off being that you have to wade through a lot of garbage to sometimes get there) or simply when you'll need to take down a number or have a shopping list on hand.

After a while, these notebooks take on a life of their own - becoming a huge coagulated mess of ideas and concepts vaguely pertaining to where you were at a given time in your life.

I thought I'd scan and post these pages, as they show some of the ideas and brainstorming I did to come up with a blog name that I liked (among other random notes). Note that the name of this particular blog is nowhere to be found on the scans here.

By the way, today is the due date for our soon-to-be-born son! Yowp!