Thursday, 11 October 2007

Making music with insects making music

"(I play bass)"

I was talking about this album last night and I thought I'd post a couple of tracks from it today. Graeme Revell is a NZ born composer responsible for scoring many Hollywood films such as Grindhouse's Planet Terror, Until the End of the World and even the Street Fighter movie! However, the album "Musique Brut' AKA 'The Insect Musicians / Necropolis, Amphibians & Reptiles' Revell a) composes music based on the sounds of insects, and b) composes musical responses to the work of artist Adolf Wolfi.
I found this album through studying Wolfi for an 'Art and psychoanalysis' subject at uni and was completely floored by the quality and innovation it presented.

The tracks I'm posting are from the 'Insect musicians' "side" of the album. Maybe I'll post some of the Wolfi stuff at a later date - it's very good - but in some respects I prefer the insects. If you want to track down the album, I wish you luck. Amazon has an entry here, and Discogs here, but it's kinda rare. If you like these tracks, I recommend hunting it down as it's a really nice package complete with a booklet containing info on the recording process, a breakdown of the insects used and some good data on Wolfi.

The Insect Musicians - Invaders of the heart - Graeme Revell [6.1MB mp3 file]
(Created from: hive bees [disturbed], wood boring beetle, queen bee, European cicada and Death's Head hawkmoth).

The Insect Musicians - El Spiritus Sanctus - Graeme Revell [5.5MB mp3 file]
(Created from: hive bees, house cricket, queen bee, Oakleaf miner, worker bee).

Here's something to look at while you're listening!